Looking for traffic? Join Clixarus.

We collaborate with advertisers and affiliates to optimize their return on investment (ROI) using our cutting-edge Performance Marketing Network.
Build your first Content Marketing Strategy

Affiliate traffic, inhouse traffic & e-mail traffic

As a dynamic network, our primary role entails sourcing and directing traffic precisely to your desired destinations. Our commitment is to deliver the utmost precision in traffic, translating to enhanced leads and ultimately, amplified sales.

Over the past decade, we’ve meticulously curated an established network comprising 5000+ active affiliates spanning diverse verticals, GEOs, and traffic origins. And the evolution continues. With unwavering dedication, we consistently integrate fresh sources into our arsenal, ensuring comprehensive coverage to fulfill every requirement.

Our multifaceted strategy, coupled with our synergized endeavors, empowers us to promptly discern optimal traffic solutions for your enterprise and offerings, effectively reducing the time-to-value phase. Our multifaceted strategy, coupled with our synergized endeavors, empowers us to promptly discern optimal traffic solutions for your enterprise and offerings, effectively reducing the time-to-value phase.

The Clixarus Solution

We Provide High Quality Traffic For your products


At Clixarus, we empower advertisers with a range of versatile offer models designed to drive optimal results. Our diversified portfolio includes CPL (Cost Per Lead), CPA (Cost Per Action), and CPS (Cost Per Sale) options, each tailored to amplify your ROI.

Global Results

Experience unprecedented global results through Clixarus. Our dynamic affiliate platform offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to elevate your advertising endeavors on a worldwide scale.

Anti-fraud solutions

Secure your success with Clixarus’ cutting-edge anti-fraud solution. Our robust technology is meticulously designed to safeguard your campaigns from fraudulent activities, ensuring your investment yields genuine, high-quality results.